clout package


clout.exceptions module

exception clout.exceptions.CloutException[source]

Bases: Exception

Base exception for Clout exceptions.

exception clout.exceptions.MissingInput(group, string, found)[source]

Bases: clout.exceptions.CloutException

Raised for missing command-line arguments.

exception clout.exceptions.ValidationError[source]

Bases: clout.exceptions.CloutException

Raised for invalid command-line arguments.

Module contents

class clout.Command(type, *args, name=None, app_name=None, callback=<function Command.<lambda>>, params=None, context_settings=None, epilog=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: click.core.Command

A click.Command built from an attr.dataclass() or dataclasses.dataclass().


Return an instance of self.type, built from the command line arguments.


Run the command and exit the program afterwards.

Upcalls directly to click.MultiCommand.main().

clout.load_env(type: Type[CT_co], prefix: str = '')[source]

Load environment variables for a class into a dict.

For example, define a class

import attr

class Database:
    host: str
    port: int

Load the environment variables into a dict, setting the prefix for our app.

d = clout.load_env(Database, prefix='MYAPP')
assert d == {'host': '', 'port': 1234}

Run the app with environment variables set.

export MYAPP_PORT=1234
class clout.DeepChainMap(*maps)[source]

Bases: collections.ChainMap

Combine multiple dicts into a deep mapping.

Lookups that fail in the first dict will be checked in the next one.

>>> import clout
>>> maps = [{"a": {}}, {"a": {"b": {}}}, {"a": {"b": {"c": 1337}}}]
>>> dcm = clout.DeepChainMap(*maps)
>>> dcm["a"]["b"]["c"]